Monday, 14 March 2011

Whats New

Well not a whole lot going on. Still not back to work yet grrrrr :S But hopefully getting closer to a diagnosis. I'm on two types of anti seizure medication which finally seems to be making a difference.
I've had lots and lots of medical tests, ECG (about 6 of them), MRI, CT Scan, EEG, full blood work ups, etc. The good news is I do have proof now that there is actually a brain inside my skull lol.
Between fainting, seizing, periods of absence, and the copious amounts of doctor and hospital visits I do manage to keep myself busy. I've cleaned the kitchen from top to bottom as well as the bathroom and living room. I put up a new clothes line (that was a lot more difficult than I thought it would be) and I've managed to weed the front and back gardens. Okay so they are completely weed free but they look a lot better than they did.
So all in all that's my life for now. Home bound as I can't really leave without a chaperone in case I have a faint or absence and end up falling in the middle of the street or walking in front of a car. But I'm doing okay. I am improving and trying my very best to keep my spirits up.
Last doctor appointment in Margate I convinced Sudheer we should go early so that we could walk along the beach. I took my shoes and socks off and walked out into the water. It was cold as heck but felt good. There is just something about being at the sea that clears my head and just makes me feel happy.

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