Friday, 9 January 2009

The Tragic End

Most unfortunately my laptop has come to the end of what has been a rather short existence. After a mere 2 years of life it has gone on the the after world.  I have to say that I am no longer a fan of HP and advise any that are considering purchasing a new laptop to please avoid HP like the plague. Upon talking with the repairman that made every attempt to fix my laptop he mentioned that this is one of many HP that he has seen with similar problems.  
Losing my laptop could not have come at a worse time as I am in the midst of beginning work on an essay, research for dissertation, etc...  2009 is not starting off on the right foot I am afraid. Started off sick, then laptop died, I fear what is to follow.  But alas one cannot sit in fear waiting for the unknown so I trudge on.  I'm reduced to using uni computers which is fine for now but once school starts up again queuing for a pc is quite a pain.  
Things could be worse though, I don't want to come up with worse situations as I don't want to give fate any ideas but I know it could be worse. So for now there won't be to many blog entries and my facebook status will likely stay the same for quite sometime. 

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